The picture entitled A Philosopher giving that Lecture on the Orrery in which a lamp is put in place of the Sun is the centrepiece of Derby Museum and Art Gallery’s world-renowned collection of Joseph Wright’s paintings. First exhibited in 1766 and acquired by the Art Gallery in 1884, much has been written about this painting but hitherto there has been confusion about the ‘real subject’ of the Philosopher’s Lecture and agreement on the identity of only one of the people depicted around the Orrery.
The mini-monograph shows how the little girl in the picture can be used to unlock what is actually being said, and why the subject would have been of vital interest at the time, especially to the owner of this particular Orrery.
These ‘Enlightenment Mini-Monographs’ have been specially written and published for the benefit of the Derby Museum and Art Gallery, and other regional cultural charities. The author is Professor Emeritus Jonathan Powers DL DUniv, the first Academic Pro Vice-Chancellor of the University of Derby. These little books all contain some new and original material not to be found elsewhere.
First published by iOpening Books 2016
New revised and enlarged edition by Quandary Books 2019
Colour and b/w illustrations
Pages: iv, 71.
ISBN 978-1-913253-00-4